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发布时间:2017-05-31 浏览:33263次


 The International Symposium on Room Temperature Magnetic Refrigeration Technology and The Development
We are pleased to announce “The International Symposium on Room Temperature Magnetic Refrigeration Technology and The Development” will be held on 5th-7th September 2017. The topical of the symposium is the development and application of Room Temperature Magnetic Refrigeration including the Magnetocalorics materials and magnetic refrigerator. 

  地点:中国 包头 香格里拉酒店
  Symposium Time: 5th-7th September 2017
  Symposium address: Shangri-La hotel, Baotou, China


  Symposium Program: 
  September 5  Registration and Reception dinner
  September 6  Report
  September 7  Academic discussion and technology visit

  Part of the Presentation:
  Prof. Ekkes Brück  Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  Title: Efficient energy-conversion near room-temperature with transition metal based magnetic materials
  Dr. Naoki Hirano  Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., Nagoya, Japan
  Title: Development of magnetic heat pump in Japan and proposal of new application using magnetocaloric effect
  Mr.Timothy Lorkin  MoveOnn Inside(From FGas to Magnetic Refrigeration), France
  Title: Industrialisation challenges since ThermagV (2012) and the Green Economy
  Prof.Osmann Sari  University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
  Title: Indeterminate
  Dr. Christian Muller  Cooltech Applications, Holtzheim, France
  Title: Industrial evolution of magnetocaloric cooling applications
  Dr. Neil Wilson  Camfridge Ltd., UK
  Title: Magnetic Refrigeration development at Camfridge
  Prof. Fengxai Hu  Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  Title: 磁热、压热材料研究
  Dr. Jun Shen  Technical Institute of Physcis and Chemistry, CAS, China
  Title: Indeterminate
  Prof. Shengcan Ma  Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China
  Title: Indeterminate
To be continued......

